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Welcome to Ashby's Fort Museum. 
Join our exploration of the first fort George Washington ordered to be built in Virginia in the French and Indian War.

Mock-up of Ashby's Fort

The Friends of Ashby's Fort exists to support the Ashby's Fort Museum and historical site, to educate the public about our predecessors who were pioneers in this land, to honor the struggle of settlers and Native Americans on the frontier, and to preserve, interpret, and bring to life the cultural heritage of the site as a legacy for future generations.


April 4 - October ​26, 2025​

Closed for Winter Season

Friday              10-4

Saturday          10-4

Sunday            12-4



Adults - $5.00

Families - $10.00

Groups of 2 or more - $10.00

Kids under 16 - Free

Members - Free

We have added an easy way to become a member of Ashby's Fort!  Check out our Memberships page and find out how to get involved and support the Fort.

Fort Ashby Days


Fort Reconstruction

We have exciting news!  Ashby's Fort Museum plans to rebuild part of Ashby's fort to the exact specifications found during our archaeological digs.  This reconstruction will include the southwest bastion and the south wall including the front gate.  This should help visitors visualize what the fort looked like and show the unique open bastion concept Colonel Washington asked his other Captains to come to see before they built their own forts.  


This will be an expensive but vital project to complete, so how will it be paid for?  A very generous donation has been made by a descendant of the Ashby family to get us started.  If you would like to see this project completed you can also help with your own donation by clicking the link below.  We appreciate your support and can't wait for you to see the finished project!  If everything goes as planned, we will begin construction in the fall of 2025.




Bastion and South Wall.jpg
Check out the West Virginia Talk Podcast, where James and Jerry interview Randy Crane of Ashby's Fort Museum.
00:00 / 45:51

2023 Archaeology Results Video

Let Your Name Go Down                    




The brick walkway leading from the new Edgell and Irma Pyles Visitor Center to the Old Museum building and the Fort site offers us all a unique opportunity to be remembered for generations to come.


The Friends of Ashby’s Fort invites you to sponsor a brick engraved with your own name or that of a loved one or of your organization.


Your brick will be placed in the walkway for visitors to see. It is a wonderful way to honor individuals and families, service organizations, fallen heroes, churches, clubs, businesses and associations for a century or more. One brick already ordered honors a local police department. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.


Each brick costs only a modest $50. You may order multiple bricks with the same inscription or with each brick different. The cost is the same.   For more information, call 304-303-3366.


I would like to support Ashby's Fort by ordering a brick!

Fort Ashby Days will be held this year the third weekend in May, the 17th and 18th.  Make sure you bring the whole family for fun displays, kids games, food, music, re-enactors demonstrating life in 1755, crafts, and more.  Mark your calendars now!

Contact Us:


  • Friends of Ashby's Fort

Friends of Ashby's Fort is a private, not for profit 501(c)3 organization, funded by admission, donations, and museum store purchases. It is not affiliated with federal, state or local government.


© Copyright 2018 - 2025 by

Friends of Ashby's Fort.

Friends of Ashby's Fort

227 Dan's Run Rd.,

Fort Ashby, WV 26719

Tel: 301-697-9292




Friends of Ashby's Fort

PO Box 40

Fort Ashby, WV 26719

Check out our Facebook page -->

Friday          10 - 4

Saturday      10 - 4

Sunday        12 - 4






(March - November)


Adults (16 and over) - $5

Families or groups of 2 or more - $10

Members - Free

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